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  • Zi Wei Fortune Teller

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    Yuan Tiangang first number of numerology scale bone division of God (四兩二) Explain the severity of
    This is a man with a job and a real money.
    Do not mind the current situation, as long as their own efforts to the middle-aged luck, natural fame and fortune.
    Bureau of fleeting life (水二局) Commentary
    The two-year-old began to transport.
    Before the shipment, only the fate of the board and no luck, meaning that only the personality has no luck.
    Water symbolizes intelligence. He started a long time ago, on behalf of the early opening of intelligence, smart, clever, good understanding, the idea is not restricted; the nature of water can be associated with individual personalities.
    命 宮
    Represents a person's innate movement, the course of his life, and can judge the appearance, personality, talent and the achievement of life. He is also the beginning of a life plate, with the life of the palace to have other palaces. So he is also a person's personality traits, but also related to his outlook on life, value, style. But it must not be so developed, This is like the Life Palace show this person grumpy, but if they know their shortcomings, every time before anger know how to endure a few seconds in the attack, nature can be improved, Chimi, but do not resign. Another body palace, the Life Palace is on the inside, the body Palace partial external.
    • 本身 Looks
      Reference 75%
      1.There are 【紫微】 stars in the Palace of life, generally let a person look at the feeling can trust, usually do not panic but feel stable, because of course the waist also has a relatively heavy weight. Born in a rich and entitled person, the face is usually pale or white;
      2.The previous Book of Life is often commented on as honest, humble and upright, in fact, the degree of modest education is limited, I really want to say how honest is also good, and after all, is to do leadership, how many habits of their own to decide after the idea of listening to the next side of the building. But because the ears are soft, so susceptible to environmental impact, fickle and suspicious, It's hard to say how open your heart is.
      3.Since the Lord is in power, of course, the stars, representing the authority of the outside will bring a feeling of pride. Like to be a leading role, it is easy to handle things according to personal feelings.
      4.The face of most square-long, tall and strong body, give the feeling of fortitude, temperament is more urgent, will compete with people. Like to rely on their own, do not like to be bound by others.
      5.Dare to rush, dare to risk, dare to face the crisis, the difficulties have the courage to overcome one by one, but after the difficult solution, there is no interest to continue to maintain.
      6.The emotions will be out of the way, temper anger, rational and independent, say, will do, do not hesitate to do things.
      7.Personality Yin Shen, will not easily bow to people, personality suspicious, bold.
      8.Rugged in appearance, strong in stature but disfigured, stubborn in temperament, outwardly calm and repetitive.
      9.Not like 【擎羊】 will solve the problem quickly, but secretly seek revenge method.
    • 紫微
      1.A court of course can not only the emperor of one, to have a lot of auxiliary talent packed court to facilitate the king to deal with state affairs, 【紫微】 like what stars with him? Like kings, he likes to be able to help him, like 【左輔】, 【右弼】, the state of course needs money, so he also likes to go with 【天府】 In the same house, or from other directions, because 【天府】 is the Treasury. 【天府】, 【天相】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, these stars are all 【紫微】 's men, 【天魁】【天鉞】 is the 【紫微】 's Herald. These stars converge or interact with each other, forming a good pattern of "monarch celebration."
      2.【紫微】 is the Imperial star, so itself can reduce the same palace 【火星】, 【鈴星】 of the sinister degree. And if there is 【七殺】 accompanying, because 【七殺】 symbolizes the commander in the army, the manager has the command of the king, of course the power is greater.
      3.As was said before, a court cannot have only one king, there is only one king in the court, and the king is not a king. Think of a leader even if there is intelligence will not understand everything, the president does not appoint Coyett but his own every department will be in charge, not the layman to lead the experts, the experts are not afraid to offend the leadership, How is the whole country going to work? If the palace is only 【紫微】, because of the environment and other factors, the lack of financial management concept, spending more on the uncontrolled.
      4.【紫微】 If it is entered into the virtuous, brothers, parents, children, couple of these palaces, because they are not strong to 【紫微】 is not weak, can not play any significant influence, but it must be in these places and idle, just add more labor. So usually hope 【紫微】 Do not enter this specified palace, Getting into the benefits is not easy and it's easier to add trouble.
      5.【紫微】 fit with 【左輔】, 【右弼】 the same palace, because 【左輔】 and 【右弼】 is his assistant, like the boss also have to have assistants to do things well.
      6.Fit with 【天府】 the same palace or in other azimuth influence, because 【天府】 can play the function of financial money.
      7.【天府】, 【天相】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, are all 【紫微】 of the ministry from which these stars converge together or arched, called the "Monarch Celebration", is a good pattern.
      8.【天府】, 【天相】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, are all 【紫微】 of the ministry from which these stars converge together or arched, called the "Monarch Celebration", is a good pattern.
      9.【天魁】 【天鉞】 is 【紫微】 The executor of the idea. These stars converge together or are affected by a specific azimuth, called the "Monarch Celebration", is a good pattern.
    • 七殺
      1.Fit with 【紫微】 the same palace, can master the power and can proceed smoothly, also fit with 【祿存】 the same palace, do things will be more moderate and not irritable, also have partial fortunes, with 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】 The same palace is also very good, can be a master of real power or supervisor.
      2.【七殺】 Not suitable for the specified palace (parents, brothers, husbands and wives, children, friends, merit), and specified relationship is not good, also not suitable for the disease in the palace, easy to hurt or need surgery.
      3.If with 【擎羊】, 【鈴星】 The same palace, the development is not big, things will have twists and turns.
      4.【七殺】 The desire for money is high, although there is a chance to make big money, but also because they want to make more and suffer misfortune, to understand the truth.
      5.【七殺】 strong self-esteem, sometimes can not accept failure, failure in the effort is good, do not degenerate down.
    • 鈴星
      1.【鈴星】 with 【文曲】 the same palace, there will be talent to play.
      2.【鈴星】 with 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 in the same palace, spend less time with your parents.
      3.【鈴星】 When you are alone in your life, you will have success in your career.
      4.Less obstruction to other stars than 【火星】.
    • 陀羅
      1.Enter 12 Palace which palace is not good, represents the delay.
      2.【陀羅】 with 【火星】 the same palace, the degree of torment intensified.
      3.【陀羅】 In the Palace of disease, the teeth are easy to be bad, and bones are easy to loosen.
      4.In the same palace as 【貪狼】, it is easy for women to be more careful because of the color of evil.
      5.If 【貪狼】【化忌】 and 【陀羅】 with the same palace, Peach Blossom Overweight, beware of the life of the fans.
    • 天貴
      1.Personality on the honest and stable, taciturn, solemn oath, naturally a bit too high, so some slightly eccentric, of course, will affect interpersonal relationships.
      2.The boss's favorite, so there are many promotions, ordinary also pay attention to, so the way can rise.
    • 天姚
      1.As with 【太陰】, 【破軍】, 【紅鸞】, 【天喜】 The same palace, all represents the choice of more than the heart, if with Evil Star (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) in the same palace, to be careful of the peach dispute with the multi-angle relationship.
      2.I want to be able to make a decision, do not easily parrot, remember not to fantasize too much to think too beautiful, and unrealistic, also do not because of the momentary vanity aroused greed.
      3.With 【文昌】, 【文曲】 and other literary and artistic stars in the same palace, to the unorthodox academic will have achievements, wealth or good.
      4.Size limit and fleeting encounter 【天姚】 star, the representative can have the opportunity to know the opposite sex friend, and the feeling progresses quickly, soon began to fall in love. The same palace has 【紅鸞】 and 【天喜】 even marry directly.
      5.【天姚】 The star alone is not the peach blossom, but the literary talent, has the research spirit and the popularity is good.
    • 天廚
    • 75%
      1.Represents extinction, isolation. Not suitable in the life Palace, Body Palace, Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, Tian Zhai Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, children's Palace, suitable for entering the palace of disease.
    • 力士
      1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the power, is the right star. Fit into the Palace of life, Body Palace, but bogey 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 break through. In the Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, the relocation palace is also good. If the main star has four (【化祿】, 【化權】, 【化科】) that is a year of hard work.
    • 白虎
      1.The five elements belong to gold, fleeting encounter to be careful blood light, fierce disaster. 【白虎】 Encounter 【廉貞】, but also beware of lawsuits.
    • 指背
      1.On behalf of slander, fleeting encounter in the back of people criticized and maligned.

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